•American Dream with Cream: blue raspberry, tigers blood, piña colada, & cream.
•Cash Cup: lime, kiwi, & margarita
• MidSummer Nights Dream: black raspberry & cream soda.
• Frog in a Blender: kiwi rim with tigers blood middle
•Cougars Blood: blue raspberry & coconut
• Rootbeer Float: rootbeer with ice cream bottom
• Orange Cream Bar: orange, surfer style (with cream and ice cream)
• Reggae Rasta: green apple, banana, & strawberry
•Ocean Breeze: coconut with green apple & blue raspberry
•Georgia Peach: peach & strawberry
•Fuzzy Navel: orange & peach
•Surfer Sunset: pineapple, pomegranate, & mango
•Techno 4 Life: blue raspberry, green apple & tigers blood
•Lime Ricky: sour grape & lemon-lime
•Strawberry Shortcake: wedding cake & strawberry with cream top
•Tru Blu Sensation: blue raspberry, coconut, & french vanilla
•Carmel Apple: green apple & carmel
•Apple Pie Ala-mode: green apple, wedding cake & ice cream
•Melon Berry: watermelon & strawberry
•Cherry Blast: sweet cherry & black cherry
•The Big Wave: blackberry & lemon-lime
•Shaka Sunrise: strawberry, mango & peach
•Island Mist: pineapple & margarita
•Pacific Sunshine: coconut & mango with cream
•Strawberry Colada Delight: strawberry, piña colada, & french vanilla
•Shark Attack: pineapple & blue raspberry
•Rainbow: red raspberry, mango, pineapple, lime, & blue raspberry striped
•High Tide Blast: piña colada, orange, and blueberry
•Palm Tree Paradise: coconut, blackberry, & green apple.
•Tropical Wedding: wedding cake, piña colada, red raspberry, & mango
•Sour Power: lemon-lime, green apple, & kiwi
•Beach Barbie: pink bubble gum & blue cotton candy
•Malibu Barbie: pink champagne & red raspberry
•Spiderman: red raspberry & blue raspberry
•Batman: black cherry with banana middle
•Ninja Turtle: banana & lime
•Butterbeer: wedding cake & cream soda