Surf & Slurp will be raffling off an 8 gig
Ipod Touch!
This Saturday,
June 13th, AKA "
Surfer Saturday" Visit the Surf & Slurp shack as much as you can this week to collect raffle tickets. The best part of that is, the raffle tickets come with some of the Sno cones you buy! Saweet, two in one.
Here's how you get a raffle ticket: all week, each time you buy a small-medium size cone you will get 1 raffle ticket. If you buy a medium size you get 2 tickets, and for a large size you get 3 tickets.
5:00 PM on Surfer Saturday we will be drawing a name for the lucky winner.
But that's not all they are giving away!
2nd prize: will be a 7 Peaks Season pass ($50 value)

3rd prize: $20 gift certificate to Surf 'n' Slurp!
Basically, Surf & Slurp is
hookin you up!Remember, you must be present to win at 5 pm on Saturday, so make sure you're there and get ready to have some fun!
Stay posted for info on more fun events that will also be transpiring on SURFER SATURDAY! Wahooooooo!